Advanced Ibero-American School on Software Engineering (EIbAIS)

23rd Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2020) 

Curitiba, Brazil, May 4 - 8, 2020 


The Advanced Ibero-American School on Software Engineering (EIbAIS) represents the CIbSE initiative to disseminate Software Engineering knowledge in Ibero-America. It started as a natural evolution of the CIbSE tutorials and short courses, by including prospective topics in the field and non-exclusively regarding the main CIbSE tracks: technologies, experimentation, and requirements.  

EIbAIS aims to promote a forum for discussions regarding software engineering and its related technologies and theoretical foundations, allowing the participation of practitioners, undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers in the activities.  

As in any CIbSE related activity, all lecturers are presented by volunteers engaged with contributing to CIbSE community and the spreading of Software Engineering knowledge in Ibero-America. However, depending on the number of registrations in EIbAIS and the CIbSE budget, some supporting for traveling and conference registration should be allocated for them. 

EIbAIS is organized into two basic categories of plenary sessions for two days: state-of-the-practice and state-of-the-art modules. 

The modules regarding the state-of-the-practice offer discussions on topics of general interest and usually representing local demand. These modules support the amendment of knowledge and practical issues to the participants, presenting evidence-based software engineering results to the audience. Examples of state-of-practice topics include CASE tools, software testing of conventional systems, scenario-based specifications, surveys, controlled experiments, and so on. 

The modules regarding the state-of-the-art offer discussion on topics of prospective interest and usually representing the Software Engineering community perspectives. These modules intend to provide information on ongoing and next to coming software engineering technologies candidates that could represent breakthroughs concepts in the field. Examples of state-of-the-art topics include requirements specification for ubiquitous systems, software testing of context awareness systems, software engineering for the Internet of Everything, simulation-based experiments in software engineering, synthesis of evidence, and so on. 

All the participants that take part in the plenary sessions will get a certificate of participation, indicating the modules, lecturers, and contents. 

The main topics for both types of modules of EIbAIS are going to be announced soon! 


Short Course

Pensando (e fazendo) software com design thinking



Luca Cernuzzi (Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, Paraguai)

Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES, Brasil)  


Comitê Geral de Organização 



Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR, Brasil)

Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR, Brasil)



Claudia Ayala (UPC, Espanha)

Leonardo Murta (UFF, Brasil)



Ivan Machado (UFBA, Brasil)



Marcela Genero Bocco (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Espanha)

Tayana Uchôa Conte (UFAM, Brasil)



Luan Melo (PUCPR, Brasil)